Welcome to SquirrelNutrition.com!
Your one stop for Squirrel Education!
SquirrelNutrition.com was established in 2009 in response to all the disinformation that is present on the Internet regarding the care and feeding of squirrels. A lot of the information available online, ( even from people who rehabilitate orphaned squirrels,) is based on the old adage,"follow the money line!" Not that they are profiting from disinformation, but that they are passing on information that has been fed to them by so-called "experts" who are on the payroll of huge companies who are in it for the money even to the point of spreading outright lies in the name of the almighty dollar! All of our recipes and advice comes to you absolutely free. Yes, we do make and sell squirrel nutrition products from all natural ingredients, but that is only for the convenience of our friends and customers. We do answer all e-mail but ask that you do get right to the point of your questions because of the sheer volume of mail we get every month! Thank-you for visiting our site!
Your one stop for Squirrel Education!
SquirrelNutrition.com was established in 2009 in response to all the disinformation that is present on the Internet regarding the care and feeding of squirrels. A lot of the information available online, ( even from people who rehabilitate orphaned squirrels,) is based on the old adage,"follow the money line!" Not that they are profiting from disinformation, but that they are passing on information that has been fed to them by so-called "experts" who are on the payroll of huge companies who are in it for the money even to the point of spreading outright lies in the name of the almighty dollar! All of our recipes and advice comes to you absolutely free. Yes, we do make and sell squirrel nutrition products from all natural ingredients, but that is only for the convenience of our friends and customers. We do answer all e-mail but ask that you do get right to the point of your questions because of the sheer volume of mail we get every month! Thank-you for visiting our site!

Do you have squirrels with skin conditions that look like this?
If so, you have squirrels with Mange. Did you know that there is an effective treatment for this condition?
We make a product that will effectively treat this condition. You will see results within 1 week once a treated nut is fed to the squirrel. If there is extensive involvement, as this picture indicates, we recommend a repeat treatment at
one week intervals until the condition is cleared!
We are so confident in the results that we offer a full money back guarantee!
Click HERE to see before and after pictures from satisfied customers who have used our product!
If so, you have squirrels with Mange. Did you know that there is an effective treatment for this condition?
We make a product that will effectively treat this condition. You will see results within 1 week once a treated nut is fed to the squirrel. If there is extensive involvement, as this picture indicates, we recommend a repeat treatment at
one week intervals until the condition is cleared!
We are so confident in the results that we offer a full money back guarantee!
Click HERE to see before and after pictures from satisfied customers who have used our product!

Do you have squirrels with skin conditions that look like this?
If so, you have squirrels with Squirrel Pox. Did you know that there is an effective treatment for this condition?
We make a product that will effectively treat this condition. You will see results within the first 10 days once a daily treatment is initiated. These viral lesions will dry up, and the squirrel will start to scratch them off. It will leave raw areas where the pox were attached, but these will quickly heal, and the hair will start to grow back!
As with our Mange Treatment, we guarantee satisfaction or you get a full refund if you sent photographic proof that the treatment failed. Click HERE to see photo proof from satisfied customers!
If so, you have squirrels with Squirrel Pox. Did you know that there is an effective treatment for this condition?
We make a product that will effectively treat this condition. You will see results within the first 10 days once a daily treatment is initiated. These viral lesions will dry up, and the squirrel will start to scratch them off. It will leave raw areas where the pox were attached, but these will quickly heal, and the hair will start to grow back!
As with our Mange Treatment, we guarantee satisfaction or you get a full refund if you sent photographic proof that the treatment failed. Click HERE to see photo proof from satisfied customers!
BLOG Topics
Is There A Treatment For Squirrel Pox?
How To Potentially Add Years To The Life Of Your Squirrel
Why Did My Baby Squirrel Suddenly Die?
When a Squirrel Has Blood in its urine
When It's Birthing Season For Squirrels
Skin Diseases In Squirrels
Winter Time is Especially Hard on Squirrels
Should I Feed A Baby Squirrel Commercial Formula?
Do Squirrel Carry Rabies?
Do Squirrels Hibernate?
What to Feed a Baby Squirrel After it Weans Off Formula
Are Green Acorns Poisonous To Squirrels?
How To Get Squirrels To Be Friendly
Deadly Skin Disease in Palm Squirrels
Why Does My Squirrel Not Eat Its Nut Square / Nut Ball
How To Keep Squirrels Out of Your Attic.
Why Did I Find a Baby Squirrel In My Yard?
Baby Squirrels - The Forgotten Victims of a Hurricane
What To Feed Squirrels To Keep Them Healthy
What A Squirrel Can Teach You About Surviving A Mass Shooting!
Hair and Skin Problems In Squirrels
Is There A Treatment For Squirrel Pox?
How To Potentially Add Years To The Life Of Your Squirrel
Why Did My Baby Squirrel Suddenly Die?
When a Squirrel Has Blood in its urine
When It's Birthing Season For Squirrels
Skin Diseases In Squirrels
Winter Time is Especially Hard on Squirrels
Should I Feed A Baby Squirrel Commercial Formula?
Do Squirrel Carry Rabies?
Do Squirrels Hibernate?
What to Feed a Baby Squirrel After it Weans Off Formula
Are Green Acorns Poisonous To Squirrels?
How To Get Squirrels To Be Friendly
Deadly Skin Disease in Palm Squirrels
Why Does My Squirrel Not Eat Its Nut Square / Nut Ball
How To Keep Squirrels Out of Your Attic.
Why Did I Find a Baby Squirrel In My Yard?
Baby Squirrels - The Forgotten Victims of a Hurricane
What To Feed Squirrels To Keep Them Healthy
What A Squirrel Can Teach You About Surviving A Mass Shooting!
Hair and Skin Problems In Squirrels
We Pay Half Your Priority Shipping!
NEW-NEW-NEW! When you buy our mixes in Bulk from 4 to 7 kits we will pay half the cost to send them to you by Priority Mail! You will have your order in 2 to 3 days! Get the details HERE!
We Pay Half Your Priority Shipping!
NEW-NEW-NEW! When you buy our mixes in Bulk from 4 to 7 kits we will pay half the cost to send them to you by Priority Mail! You will have your order in 2 to 3 days! Get the details HERE!
SquirrelNutrition.com was recently featured on Steve Barwick's Colloidal Silver E-Zine for a miraculous cure of a pet Chipmunk that was given a death sentence by its Veterinarian. Read the incredible story here: https://thesilveredge.com/colloidal-silver-saves-pet-chipmunk-from-certain-death-november-6th-2018/
SquirrelNutrition.com was recently featured on Steve Barwick's Colloidal Silver E-Zine for a miraculous cure of a pet Chipmunk that was given a death sentence by its Veterinarian. Read the incredible story here: https://thesilveredge.com/colloidal-silver-saves-pet-chipmunk-from-certain-death-november-6th-2018/

Meet Mr. Twister!
Mr. Twister is a beautiful little Red Squirrel whose mother was a victim of the tornado that ripped through Northern Ohio a number of years ago. It touched down about 5 miles North of where we live and involved the property of a friend of ours, Mr. Twister was found roaming around in their garage looking for something to eat. He was in a starvation situation and he had pneumonia.About a week after we took him in his hair started to fall out. He was quite naked for the better part of a month. We started working on his nutrition status by giving him plenty of high fat formula and continued it on after he weaned by feeding him avocado.We also cured him of pneumonia in 4 days using inhaled Colloidal Silver! As you can see, his hair has grown in quite beautifully and he has captured the heart of my wife, Paula! He's very friendly but quite high-strung and high energy. He gets quite nervous and scared around strangers, which is unfortunate because we would love to take him with us when we give squirrel talks!
Mr. Twister is a beautiful little Red Squirrel whose mother was a victim of the tornado that ripped through Northern Ohio a number of years ago. It touched down about 5 miles North of where we live and involved the property of a friend of ours, Mr. Twister was found roaming around in their garage looking for something to eat. He was in a starvation situation and he had pneumonia.About a week after we took him in his hair started to fall out. He was quite naked for the better part of a month. We started working on his nutrition status by giving him plenty of high fat formula and continued it on after he weaned by feeding him avocado.We also cured him of pneumonia in 4 days using inhaled Colloidal Silver! As you can see, his hair has grown in quite beautifully and he has captured the heart of my wife, Paula! He's very friendly but quite high-strung and high energy. He gets quite nervous and scared around strangers, which is unfortunate because we would love to take him with us when we give squirrel talks!
How A Dead Frozen Squirrel Changed My Life Forever

Hi! My name is William Sells. I am the owner and operator of SquirrelNutrition.com and Squirrel Haven Rescue. At the
age of 60, I had never seen nor held a baby squirrel until March 17, 2008, when a band of crows, looking for a quick
meal, literally dropped one into my life.
I had just gotten up after working a night shift in our local emergency room when I viewed a curious sight from my
upstairs bathroom. I observed three crows standing around my utility trailer. Suddenly, a squirrel emerged from under
the trailer and chased after one of the crows. It flew up into my oak tree, then swooped down and landed on the edge
of the trailer.I watched as it hopped down into the trailer,picked something up, and flew off. From its beak, I saw tiny
legs and a tail dangling, and I immediately knew I was watching one of nature's cruel realities. The crows had torn
into a leaf nest of a mother squirrel in an attempt to seize and eat her babies.
I came downstairs and related what I saw to my wife and wondered out loud if the baby had left an impression in the
snow. My wife volunteered to go out and investigate, and when she returned, she confirmed that there was indeed
an impression in the snow, plus there was another naked body lying beside the impression.
I quickly put on my shoes and went out to investigate for myself. I gently picked up the half frozen newborn squirrel to
take a closer look. It was dusky blue, stiff, and not breathing, so I assumed it to be dead. I took it in to show my wife
before taking it out to bury.
As we sat and talked about what had just transpired, the thought came to me that whenever someone is brought to the emergency room after drowning in cold water, we always continue CPR for a longer period of time while rapidly
warming the body. I asked my wife, "Why don't we give it a try?"She went and placed a rice bag in the microwave
while I started pumping on the tiny squirrel's chest with one finger and blew tiny puffs of air into its nose. We placed
her in a tanned rabbit skin, then wrapped the warm rice bag around it while I continued CPR. After a 10-minute cycle of CPR and warming, the tiny creature started to move and breathe on its own.
At that point, I felt a wave of emotion sweep over me as tears flowed down my cheeks! I bonded with this tiny being on a level that is totally beyond explanation. As crazy as it sounds, I suddenly realized that I had found my passion.
For the past 15 years, I've studied everything I could about squirrels and their care. And while there are many books
that talk about observed squirrel behavior, characteristics, and care during the first 12 to 18 weeks of their lives,
there's very little information that goes beyond that age into keeping and raising a squirrel!
We estimated that Lucky was approximately 10 to 14 days old when we found her, and by 6 to 8 weeks old,
she was showing signs of limited eyesight due to the fact that she would not attempt short jumps and because
when we entered her cage room, she would turn her body or head to look in our direction with her right eye. It is
possible that she may have hit her head during the fall from her mother's nest and detached a retina in her left eye. I knew then that she would not survive when she was old enough to release!
I named my squirrel Lucky because she is a miracle, and she was very lucky to be alive. But, I have to admit that
beyond the books and study, Lucky has been my best teacher and has taught me many lessons that are not contained within the pages of any book!
I had nearly lost her three times in the eleven plus years she had been with us. But it had also been my experience over the years that every time she had gone through a life threatening health crisis, and we figured out how to treat it,
someone would write and ask me about the same condition that their squirrel was going through. Then, it became clear to me that Lucky went through those problems to teach me how to help other people care for the squirrels that fortunately fall into their lives!
God created animals before He created man and woman, so that tells me that He really cares about all animals! He has given me this passion for squirrels and has graciously allowed me to have this labor of love, both for the squirrels and the people who are destined to adopt,raise, and hopefully be able to release them!
age of 60, I had never seen nor held a baby squirrel until March 17, 2008, when a band of crows, looking for a quick
meal, literally dropped one into my life.
I had just gotten up after working a night shift in our local emergency room when I viewed a curious sight from my
upstairs bathroom. I observed three crows standing around my utility trailer. Suddenly, a squirrel emerged from under
the trailer and chased after one of the crows. It flew up into my oak tree, then swooped down and landed on the edge
of the trailer.I watched as it hopped down into the trailer,picked something up, and flew off. From its beak, I saw tiny
legs and a tail dangling, and I immediately knew I was watching one of nature's cruel realities. The crows had torn
into a leaf nest of a mother squirrel in an attempt to seize and eat her babies.
I came downstairs and related what I saw to my wife and wondered out loud if the baby had left an impression in the
snow. My wife volunteered to go out and investigate, and when she returned, she confirmed that there was indeed
an impression in the snow, plus there was another naked body lying beside the impression.
I quickly put on my shoes and went out to investigate for myself. I gently picked up the half frozen newborn squirrel to
take a closer look. It was dusky blue, stiff, and not breathing, so I assumed it to be dead. I took it in to show my wife
before taking it out to bury.
As we sat and talked about what had just transpired, the thought came to me that whenever someone is brought to the emergency room after drowning in cold water, we always continue CPR for a longer period of time while rapidly
warming the body. I asked my wife, "Why don't we give it a try?"She went and placed a rice bag in the microwave
while I started pumping on the tiny squirrel's chest with one finger and blew tiny puffs of air into its nose. We placed
her in a tanned rabbit skin, then wrapped the warm rice bag around it while I continued CPR. After a 10-minute cycle of CPR and warming, the tiny creature started to move and breathe on its own.
At that point, I felt a wave of emotion sweep over me as tears flowed down my cheeks! I bonded with this tiny being on a level that is totally beyond explanation. As crazy as it sounds, I suddenly realized that I had found my passion.
For the past 15 years, I've studied everything I could about squirrels and their care. And while there are many books
that talk about observed squirrel behavior, characteristics, and care during the first 12 to 18 weeks of their lives,
there's very little information that goes beyond that age into keeping and raising a squirrel!
We estimated that Lucky was approximately 10 to 14 days old when we found her, and by 6 to 8 weeks old,
she was showing signs of limited eyesight due to the fact that she would not attempt short jumps and because
when we entered her cage room, she would turn her body or head to look in our direction with her right eye. It is
possible that she may have hit her head during the fall from her mother's nest and detached a retina in her left eye. I knew then that she would not survive when she was old enough to release!
I named my squirrel Lucky because she is a miracle, and she was very lucky to be alive. But, I have to admit that
beyond the books and study, Lucky has been my best teacher and has taught me many lessons that are not contained within the pages of any book!
I had nearly lost her three times in the eleven plus years she had been with us. But it had also been my experience over the years that every time she had gone through a life threatening health crisis, and we figured out how to treat it,
someone would write and ask me about the same condition that their squirrel was going through. Then, it became clear to me that Lucky went through those problems to teach me how to help other people care for the squirrels that fortunately fall into their lives!
God created animals before He created man and woman, so that tells me that He really cares about all animals! He has given me this passion for squirrels and has graciously allowed me to have this labor of love, both for the squirrels and the people who are destined to adopt,raise, and hopefully be able to release them!
Postscript to this story:
This story actually started 5 months before we found Lucky.
At that time, my wife was a member of Curves for Women and would walk to the facility several days a week to work- out. As she would walk, she would use the time to carry on conversational prayer with God.
On that particular day, she observed two squirrels playing in the fallen leaves and she related this thought to God, "I've always wondered what it would be like to have a squirrel sit on my shoulder and be able to interact with it! Someday, either here on earth or in heaven, I would really like to know what that would be like!"
Lucky Girl was the answer to that prayer! Since September of 2008 that prayer has been answered over 100 times! That is the present number of orphaned squirrels we have rehabbed and released as of this date of January 2024.
God has blessed us with almost 16 years of living our passion! Unfortunately, our precious Lucky Girl passed away April 19,2020. We miss her so much! I get all choked-up every time I pass her Urn in our living room, but look forward to being reunited with her when I pass-on!
If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you will see a picture of Lucky Girl and a link to her Obituary.

Lucky Girl,the squirrel who changed my life forever! This was her on her 10th birthday March 7, 2018. I never knew I had a passion for squirrels until God let her fall into my life! Rest in peace my sweet baby! When you passed away at 12 year and 42 days a piece of my heart went with you to heaven! Please be waiting for me when God calls me home so you can ride on my shoulder for all eternity! Thank-you for teaching me the most important things about loving and caring for squirrels and the caregivers who lovingly raise them!! And, thank you for all the squirrels you helped in you short life! Check it out below!
Lucky's Tribute Video
Lucky's Obituary
If you would like a copy of our recipe(s) or food lists, simply fill in your name and e-mail address in the form below, and place in the comment section which item(s) you would like, (Food Lists, Nut Squares etc.)