Sometimes we encounter squirrels with problems that do not respond to normal treatment! I was contacted in February 2015 by a man who has a squirrel named Leggy. Leggy had a severe skin Immune Challenge that had been plaguing it since November of 2014. His owner had reached the end of his rope in trying to clear this Challenge. He told me that he had tried everything, and nothing seemed to work including 2 courses of different antibiotics by his Veterinarian. He wanted to know if I had any ideas on what he could try. Below is a picture of Leggy just before starting treatment on March 2, 2015.
Since all the normal treatments had failed, I suggested that we try Immune System Modulation and a natural antiviral on Leggy. Possibly by boosting Leggy's immune system, we might be able to get a handle on this immune challenge that appeared to be viral in origin. I mixed up a strong solution of an herb that is extracted from the Venus Flytrap plant , and a colloidal solution that is an element that has been known as an antiviral and antibacterial since early Chinese and Ayurveda Medicine. I told him how I would use it, but instructed him that he would have to decide how he wanted to give it on his own, (since I am not allowed to prescribe.)
Below, is a picture of Leggy on March 9, 2015, one week into this treatment:
Below, is a picture of Leggy on March 9, 2015, one week into this treatment:
Needless to say, Leggy's handler was thrilled with the improvement, as were we. Below is a picture of Leggy's condition om March 16,2015. one week later:
The most recent picture of Leggy was taken on March 23, 2015, just 21 days after starting treatment. The only thing left was for Leggy's hair to regrow !