As a passionate caregiver to an 12-year-old squirrel and an avid Rehabber of orphaned squirrels, I am always on the lookout for things that can add to the health and longevity to my rodent friends! My research over the last 12 years has led me to such things as the Lauric and Capric Acid contained in the unprocessed oil of the coconut and the antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral quality of Colloidal Silver!
But, nothing compares to the research I recently discovered research that was conducted on rodents, (rats and mice,) that left me with my mouth hanging open! There is a substance called “C-60 Fullerene” which was discovered back in the 1930's that was tested on Rodents. During 25 years of testing, researchers never found C-60 to produce any toxic side effects in the rodents. What they did discover was that the rats given the C-60 lived almost twice as long as the rats who did not receive it. The following is the research abstract that stated that their finding were that it almost doubled their lifespan.
That's not the only thing they found! In the following study, rodents were given cancer by transplanting cancerous tissues into various parts of their body. What they found in the group given C-60 was that the cancers were prevented from metastasizing, (spreading!)
In the next study it was found that C-60 improved cardiac function probably due to it superior antioxidant properties. It improved perfusion of heart muscle and had a positive effect on the cardiovascular system!
The following study was conducted to determine if there were any toxic side effects producible by giving large doses of C-60. A group of rats were given various doses of C-60 ranging from 1 mg. All the way up to 1000 mg per day. None of the rats showed any toxic side-effects and they all continued to eat and drink in their usual manner. The ones given 1000 mg per day put on some weight and had some color changes to their stool, but went back to normal when the C-60 was withdrawn! The bottom line was that no toxic side-effects were found with C-60!
The last abstract from research on C-60 has to do with improving cognitive function in mice. This one is a bit technical, but what they did was raise mice that were specifically bred to study changes in their genes as they age. Apparently, these mice are given a synthetic enzyme to speed up the aging process of their brains and they test their cognitive and memory functions on a Morris Water Maze to determine how well they learn and remember. They found that the rodents given C-60 performed better on the Maze in addition to extending their life. The research attributed this to C-60's ability to counter Oxidative stress.
I read in another study that C-60 has been found to be over 150 times more potent than Vitamin C in combating oxidative stress in cellular and tissue function. It also has been found to have a protective effect on the ends of DNA strands. The importance of this comes into play when DNA needs to replicate itself in the formation of new body tissues, Oxidative stress attacks the ends of the DNA strands so that when they replicate, they produce a damaged strand of DNA. It's like making a photocopy of a page, then, using the copy each time to make another copy. Over time, you can hardly recognize what the original page looked like. This damage is what scientists attribute to the changes in our body as we age.
C-60 has the potential for slowing this aging process way down and appears to be the reason that this research has shown that rodents can almost double their lifespan by being given daily doses of this remarkable substance!
I've been giving it to my 11 ½ year-old Eastern Gray squirrel for the last six months and she has been doing fine. She stays very active and seems more alert and stronger. I recently told a man about it who had a squirrel that had a head injury and seemed to be suffering from petite-mal seizures where it would just stare-off into space and seemed to become disassociated from reality. He decided on his own to try it on his squirrel and was happy to report to that his squirrel was acting more normal now and that the symptoms have dissipated!
Even though this stuff has been around for almost 90 years and numerous studies have shown great potential for all the benefits listed above, nothing has been done to officially approve it for human or animal use. Therefore, it can only be sold for experimental use and no health or benefit claims can be made about it.
As promised, below is the link where you can purchase Carbon-60 for your Rodent friend!
I've been using it now for over 6 months on my 12-year-old squirrel and she has been doing fine with zero adverse side-effects! I give her 15 drops a day in her food.
Get yours today and keep me posted on your results by leaving a comment on this post!
A link to the brand we use can be found on our Product Page.